The Untold Power: Underrepresented Groups in Public Relations


The Untold Power: Underrepresented Groups in Public Relations fills a glaring void in public relations history by chronicling the practices and scholarship contributed by members of ethnically and racially underrepresented groups.

The evolution and advancement of public relations have been recorded and taught as an integral part of the communications curriculum, but the stories of these trailblazers went untold.

The text offers snapshots of past, present, and future endeavors with the hope that the reader will be inspired, reflective, and proactive. Everyone from students to seasoned professionals will learn of individual and group challenges and triumphs in academia, the workplace, and society.

Emergency Management for Healthcare, Volume II: Building a Program


This series of books focuses on highly specialized Emergency Management arrangements for healthcare facilities and organizations. It is designed to assist any healthcare executive with a body of knowledge which permits a transition into the application of emergency management planning and procedures for healthcare facilities and organizations.

This series is intended for both experienced practitioners of both healthcare management and emergency management, and also for students of these two disciplines.

A Global View of Financial Accounting


The importance of corporate financial reporting has increased over the years. Accountants have developed standards that ensure the financial information issued by companies is rigorous and assists the users of the information in making decisions. Initially counties developed their own standards but the increase in world-wide trade demonstrated the need for an international approach to standard setting. This led to the establishment of International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) and the issue of international accounting standards.

Although accounting standards originally focused on financial information that would be of interest to investors in a company, there is an increasing interest in all corporate activities that shape the way we live.

In this book we discuss the specific pressures and decisions that influences the changes in corporate reporting with emphasis given to the U.K., the United Sates and Islamic countries. We also discuss the impact of advances in technology on corporate reporting and we review the nature of information provided by companies to a wider audience than shareholders.

Emergency Management for Healthcare, Volume I: Describing Emergency Management


This series of books focuses on highly specialized Emergency Management arrangements for healthcare facilities and organizations. It is designed to assist any healthcare executive with a body of knowledge which permits a transition into the application of emergency management planning and procedures for healthcare facilities and organizations.

This series is intended for both experienced practitioners of both healthcare management and emergency management, and also for students of these two disciplines.

Adjusting to the New World Economy


Professor Czinkota shares with us his practical insights into the modern world trading system and the complexities that exist within. It provides an invaluable framework for future global leaders in their endeavors to solve global trade crises and find opportunities for furthering the free flow of goods and services across borders.

It is rare to find such practical insights into the rationale of why the world is what it is today and makes for some interesting guidance for the future. Anyone who reads this book will be better equipped to tackles the challenges of operating in the world economy and working their way out of conflicts.

The book also addresses the weaknesses present in current world structures, such as the World Trade Organization and its inability to suppress China, guiding the reader on how to achieve business success in a world of instability and diplomatic tensions. The concept of Curative International Marketing is a unique framework fathered by Professor Czinkota and is deeply explored in this book.

Conscious Business Ethics: The Practical Guide to Wisdom


This book will transform your life for the better.

The case for business ethics is both settled and urgent; we are within an era of human history in which the most influential organizations on the planet, businesses, must align their goals with principles of human flourishing, ethics, if humanity is going to experience a more ideal future than what we now know. To accomplish this attainable goal, we must realize that business is composed of individuals who must make the conscious choice to pursue a more ideal future.

In this revolutionary approach to business ethics, Wade Chumney utilizes his nearly 20 years of experience in the field to synthesizes the ancient wisdom found in Plato’s philosophy, the modern findings of positive psychology, and the powerful insights of systems thinking to create a new paradigm for the field. Centered around the consciousness found within each of us, Conscious Business Ethics provides a practical approach that anyone can apply in order to develop the one quality most desired by humanity in any historical era: wisdom.

This book can transform your life for the better. The common threads found within all wisdom traditions are distilled into simple, understandable concepts and diagrams that make practical application accessible to anyone.

How Organizations Can Make the Most of Online Learning


Online learning has the potential to change an organization’s culture and performance – if the organization employs technology in the right ways. In HOW ORGANIZATIONS CAN MAKE THE MOST OF ONLINE LEARNING, Dr. David Guralnick describes what organizations need to know about learning and technology in order to create a successful culture of growth and performance – today, tomorrow, and in the future.

In this book, Dr. Guralnick describes the current world of online learning, lays out his vision of the future, and discusses how organizations can make the best use of technology to improve job performance, including how to best combine the work and skills of an organization’s internal team and outside consultants and vendors.

Too much online learning today focuses on memorizing information. HOW ORGANIZATIONS CAN MAKE THE MOST OF ONLINE LEARNING shifts this paradigm to focus on learning key skills that are meaningful to an employee and relevant to their work. Organizations will learn how to create and deliver online learning and performance experiences that can take their employees’ performance to the next level.

What Economists Should Do: In Defense of Mainstream Economic Thought


There is controversy among economists over just what it is that economists should do. The controversy is centered on the question whether what is called “neoclassical” or “mainstream” economics provides the appropriate template for performing economic analysis. Neoclassical economics is based on the principle that economic behavior is guided by “rational choice,” i.e., choice based on reason rather than sentiment.

Challenges to this principle come from several fields of study: behavioral economics, neuroeconomics, Austrian economics, Keynesian economics, and others. A common thread running through these fields is that the rational choice assumption is unrealistic and therefore not useful for analyzing economic policy choices.

It is important, however, to distinguish between economic policy choices, which are frequently irrational, and how individuals are observed to react to these choices. Examples of irrational policy choices are minimum wage laws, buy-American rules, and corporate tax increases. The job of the economist is to play a role akin to that of preachers, in exposing such choices for their irrationality. Mainstream economics shows that people react to these choices in a manner that impairs the performance of the economy.