The Professional Leader
Whether you’re a CEO, a manager, a project supervisor, or it’s your first day at a new company, keeping your skills at a professional level is mandatory. With BEP books, we can help. Professionals from around the world buy our books to not only improve their own job, but often buy books for their employees. We have discounts that fit those needs.

Do You Have The Top 5 Qualities That Lead to High Job Performance ?

1. Ability to Learn
Our books cover the subjects that will help you to effectively navigate your position, learn the company insights, getting up to speed everyday, and becoming the employee and leader you were hired to be. We have a collection, Business Career Development, that may help you with this. And two books you may want to read today: The Key to Business and Career Success and Getting It Right When It Matters Most: Self-Leadership for Work and Life

2. Conscientiousness
Your team, your boss, and your employees need you to be reliable — follow through with your commitment, work hard, pay attention to details, and plan and organize all tasks. We have books on ethics, employee retention, leadership growth, and improving what employers think matter most. Our Human Resources Collection has so many books that can help with this, but one book that tops this list is Level-Up Leadership: Engaging Leaders for Success. Check it out! It’s bound to be helpful.

3. Interpersonal Skills
Are you likely to get along with others? With BEP titles, you can learn how to work with others on a team and throughout the company, how to handle disagreements and how best to be more cooperative, diplomatic and tactful. And our Communications Collection is one place you can learn more. Check out the best title in this area, Get Along, Get It Done, Get Ahead: Interpersonal Communication in the Diverse Workplace

4. Adaptability
We all know that everyday brings about new changes in our jobs — priorities, markets, leaders, responsibilities, and more. Be your best when changes happen. Keep up with the demand of your job with books specific to these changes. In other words, think AGILE! And BEP has plenty of Agile books to help. Check out this new title that will help you keep up with any and all changes: A.G.I.L.E. Thinking Demystified

5. Integrity
What are your values? Surely they include honesty, morality, and virtue. You have to be trustworthy where confidentiality, intellectual property, and business growth secrets are kept inside the conference room. Making the right decisions will be your most valuable contribution. These books can help. Business ethics is key to any successful business. Did you know BEP has an entire Business Ethics Collection? One book that gets it right: Business and the Culture of Ethics