Our Glassrooms: Perceptiveness and Its Implications for Transformational Leadership


We have had various leadership attributes discussed globally, but the attribute of perceptiveness has been overlooked, particularly, in the context of transformational leadership. This book highlights the significance of perceptiveness that takes readers to formidable heights, showing relevance in most revered professions and in the corporate world. Individual personalities and their lives have been depicted to emphasize this experience.
The style of managing the corporate has been most vulnerable to change, because of rapid growth in technology and changes in the physical and social environment. Leadership styles ought to be ready for quick adaptation; and perceptiveness is one attribute that will show the way. Relevance of the attribute has been exemplified in different functional domains. The success stories of some futuristic organizations have been cited in the concluding part.

Understanding Cryptocurrencies: The Money of the Future


The book intends to provide a high level overview of cryptocurrencies to a new enthusiast by using layman language and limiting many of the technical aspects, providing a very condensed version of this vast development of digital currencies.
Blockchain is the new revolution after the Internet that is going to change how we do business today. Cryptocurrencies are the money of the future. These two statements are a positive affirmation from many corners around the world. The author provides a balance of introduction and depth regarding blockchain, hot cryptocurrencies, and their comparisons.
Bitcoin, being the pioneer, is discussed in greater detail. The reader will gain the basic idea of bitcoin mining, trading, and investing. With special interest in the various usages of blockchain and interest on traditional banking systems are also discussed.

Virtual Vic: A Management Fable


Virtual Vic is a management fable about the trials and tribulations of a new executive facing the virtual work environment and the technology associated with this environment. The story explores his struggles to be a successful leader by relying solely on technology and ignoring the human touch aspects behind true leadership. The story helps all of us look at technology as the tool it is meant to be rather than the humanistic hindrance it often becomes. Vic meets three characters (his in- formal Board of Directors) who help provide the lessons need- ed to best lead a blended workforce. Each character represents a major theme within the book. The themes of Trust (Reliable Reggie), Isolation (Solitary Samantha), and Presence (Being Bob) are about human perceptions that provide a human touch associated with the virtual work environment. Trust, isolation, and presence are the three main human perceptions discussed throughout the book.
Told in a fable style, Virtual Vic can help managers and employees recognize signs that could result in a less-than-ideal work environment. The book is designed for anyone associated with leading or managing teams especially those with the virtual work environment.

Optimizing the Supply Chain


In a recent article about the death of supply chain management, it was stated that in this world, forecasts are perfect, machines have no operators, and block chain drives it all. Practitioners in the world of supply chain know that it is central to the management of cash and that systems are never the silver bullet as they do not foresee events; they only provide calculations from the data they are fed.Optimizing the Supply Chain is an essential book to help readers understand the dynamics of how a global business operates. Chapter by chapter, this book provides a comprehensive understanding of the core concepts of people, process, and tools; and how a supply chain should operate in today’s complex world.
Readers will learn about how an ideal business maintains no unnecessary inventory, responds to changes, and delivers products on time or defect free—and how this ability is a competitive advantage for any business that can solve the equation.
Key functional processes are explained in detail for practitioners to learn how to operate effectively in today’s arena. People still have to do all of the work to achieve this.

How To Be A Better Deal-Closer: The 7Ps of Successful Deal-Closing


Some recent ‘Five Star’ reviews for this new book!
Simply effective … Simon’s 7Ps of Successful Deal Closing from his extensive international experience and insights … works. 1 Process, 7 Principles + Personalize into your Style = Authentic Success. — Gill Carrie, MD, TheLeadersCenter.com
I found this book very helpful in all areas of strategic deal-making and gave me some new insights that I hadn’t thought of which I shall use in Sales. — Jason Cooper, Mind Coach, Sales Coach and Sales Director. www.jasoncooper.ie
Simon’s book provides a concise, easy-to-follow overview of key issues for any organisation committed to excellence at deal-making and for any professional or expert who would like to become more effective as a deal-closer. — Sean Weafer Speaker, Coach and Creator of The High Trust Influence Program Series. www.seanweafer.com
Deals are pivotal to business growth and are being struck all the time. You won’t succeed in business without striking deals. Deal-closing is not limited to CEOs. To varying degrees and at different times, we all strike deals in business. Every person or organization engages in deal- closing at some point.
This book provides valuable and accessible insight into the key elements required to ensure successful deal- closing. It is written in an easy to read, no-nonsense style, and is easily accessible to those who are not proficient in deal-closing. The chapters include real-life stories and insights from a wide spectrum of the author’s connections and experiences.

The New World of Human Resources and Employment : How Artificial Intelligence and Process Redesign is Driving Dramatic Change


Artificial intelligence (AI) will change the world, as we know it within only a few years. Its most significant impact will be on our human resource (HR). What is AI and what’s made it significant–the answers lie within this concise book. The book offers organizations the catalyst for swift change to take strategic advantage of what AI has to offer.
In this book are some of the HR processes that can be changed today, suggestions on what’s available, and some resources readers may wish to use. The evidence so far is that many HR functions have not developed AI strategies, in a false belief that AI is in the future. But it’s here and it’s happening, and the change is expediential in its growth; we are in the change window for a massive paradigm shift, now is the time for immediate action.
This is truly a golden opportunity for human resource professionals, organizational designers, business managers, business students, and workforce planners. Organizations that act, and act fast, will be the beneficiaries of the AI revolution.

MS Excel: Let’s Advance to the Next Level, Second Edition


MS Excel is one of the most powerful tools available to a business manager. In this book, the author provides an advanced level of skill sets and brings actionable insights to the user.
Hence, the material in this version has been organized as follows:
‧ Financial functions
‧ Conditional math and statistical functions
‧ Data analysis
‧ Decision making
‧ Data cleaning and use of macros
‧ Auditors
The objective is to give readers a flavor of how the vast array of functions can be used to make life easier and more efficient. Amazing results can be achieved by mastering Excel at a basic level. Readers who execute the given functions on a workbook simultaneously and experience the journey will find the learning curve the steepest.

Passion, Persistence, and Patience : Key Skills for Achieving Project Success


The aim of this book is to inspire and encourage project practitioners, executives, and beginners in the project management field to develop passion, persistence, and patience. The author tells his personal stories and experiences managing projects in organizations by practicing his three Ps–passion, persistence, and patience. Several examples and some tools are included at every chapter. The reader will discover how to assess his/her passion, persistence, and patience and will discover suggestions and methods to prepare an improvement plan. This book is the fruit of several years of different author experiences lived as a project manager and as a professional worldwide. Cultivating his passion, persistence, and patience over the years, he has achieved many of his professional goals. Read this book carefully and reflect upon your personal behaviors, then you will achieve your excellence as a professional.

From Behind The Desk to the Front of the Stage: How to Enhance Your Presentation Skills


From Behind the Desk to the Front of the Stage discusses all aspects of public speaking with particular emphasis on the skills people need to be successful in their business careers. It covers a wide range of different presentation challenges, including making an impact in the boardroom, conference speaking, using multi-media, and bringing complex subjects to life. There are many practical hints, tips, and exercises to help people improve their presentation style, as well as detailed advice on how to create and structure content to make maximum impact.
This book has a business focus and is aimed at people who need to be good on their feet in order to progress in their careers. It also covers other challenging events such as awards ceremonies, formal, and informal social occasions. Its USPs are that it takes people on their journey from behind their desk to the front of the stage in a sympathetic and insightful way, helping them to build on their strengths and gain confidence as they go along.