Managing Organizational Change: The Measurable Benefits of Applied iOCM


Today’s business leaders are required to navigate a difficult path between building and maintaining a stable, effective and successful organization, and rolling out a seemingly endless series of complex change initiatives to ensure ongoing relevance in the marketplace.
Complex change is costly, difficult, and has a high degree of risk. By definition, complex change requires individuals within the organization to make significant changes in how they fulfill the duties associated with their role. Things like moving to a new technology platform, going through a merger, organizational restructuring, and adding or eliminating a product or service all involve complex change.
In 1990, Peter Senge’s book The Fifth Discipline was published, and the concept of organizational change management was introduced into the business world. Since then, analysis of data from thousands of change implementations point to the same conclusion—approximately 70% of change projects fail to achieve their de?ned goals. This data also shows that the 30% of projects that do meet expected ROI all found a way to effectively address the people side of change.
This book introduces the concept of integrated organizational change methodology (iOCM), which provides a framework for integrating best practice organizational change management principles into all facets of a change plan, resulting in significantly improved project outcomes and maximum return on investment.

Pick a Number: The U.S. and International Accounting, Second Edition


The first edition of this book explained the efforts of the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) to develop accounting regulations to be used worldwide. In 2002, progress was accelerated by the decision of Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) in the United States to converge their regulations with international standards.
This second edition describes the successes and fail- ures of the convergence project. The U.S. involvement brought about many changes in corporate financial reporting, but there were differences in opinions on specific issues. This resulted in the FASB, US focusing on its own regulations.
We explain the main convergence achievements and also the differences leading to the end of the project. Our analysis reviews new developments in corporate reporting, including the issues of sustainability, governance, and integrated reporting.

Using Accounting & Financial Information: Analyzing, Forecasting, and Decision Making, Second Edition


Accounting is often referred to as the language of business. Unfortunately, many business professionals lack the required fluency in this unique language to perform basic financial analysis, prepare budgetary forecasts, or to compare competing capital investment alternatives.
This book targets individuals with limited exposure to—or formal training in—accounting and related finance disciplines. These individuals include—but certainly are not limited to— engineers, information technology specialists, retail managers, entrepreneurs, marketing directors, construction contractors, attorneys, and bankers who are making career transitions from consumer lending positions to become commercial loan officers.
The primary purpose of this book is to help managers and business owners from diverse professional and educational backgrounds to (1) converse more effectively with their accounting and finance colleagues; (2) understand the structure and the elements of general purpose financial statements; (3) identify both the usefulness and the limitations of accounting information; (4) prepare budgets and financial forecasts; and (5) make sense of commonly used decision- making models.

Counterintelligence for Corporate Environments, Volume II: How to Protect Information and Business Integrity in the Modern World


Counterintelligence for Corporate Environments, Volume I provides the reader with unique, comprehensive, and efficient methodologies that will change and improve corporate security and operational models to the highest degree possible.
Through the extensive and sophisticated discipline of counterintelligence, readers will learn the vital importance of intelligence to the survival, efficiency, and well-being of any organization as well as a whole new approach to the protection of business intelligence and assets.
Volume two discusses topics and illustrates strategies and procedures that have never before been used in the corporate field. Inspired by the concepts, strategies, and tactics that have been used by intelligence communities and specialized military forces for decades, this book aims to improve and safeguard every component of a corporate environment through the adaptation and modification of the same strategies employed by these specialized entities.
Through this book, managers, security officers, consultants, and entire corporate environments will have the knowledge and skills necessary in order to change the entire dynamic of security applications in the present day and will be able to integrate advanced and highly efficient counterintelligence models in order to combat the extensive modern threat landscape.

Data Mining Models, Second Edition


Data mining has become the fastest growing topic of interest in business programs in the past decade. This book is intended to describe the benefits of data mining in business, the process and typical business applications, the workings of basic data mining models, and demonstrate each with widely available free software.
The book focuses on demonstrating common business data mining applications. It provides exposure to the data mining process, to include problem identification, data management, and available modeling tools. The book takes the approach of demonstrating typical business data sets with open source software. KNIME is a very easy-to-use tool, and is used as the primary means of demonstration. R is much more powerful and is a commercially viable data mining tool. We also demonstrate WEKA, which is a highly useful academic software, although it is difficult to manipulate test sets and new cases, making it problematic for commercial use.

Counterintelligence for Corporate Environments, Volume I: How to Protect Information and Business Integrity in the Modern World


Counterintelligence for Corporate Environments, Volume I provides the reader with unique, comprehensive, and efficient methodologies that will change and improve corporate security and operational models to the highest degree possible.
Through the extensive and sophisticated discipline of counterintelligence, readers will learn the vital importance of intelligence to the survival, efficiency, and well-being of any organization as well as a whole new approach to the protection of business intelligence and assets.
Volume two discusses topics and illustrates strategies and procedures that have never before been used in the corporate field. Inspired by the concepts, strategies, and tactics that have been used by intelligence communities and specialized military forces for decades, this book aims to improve and safeguard every component of a corporate environment through the adaptation and modification of the same strategies employed by these specialized entities.
Through this book, managers, security officers, consultants, and entire corporate environments will have the knowledge and skills necessary in order to change the entire dynamic of security applications in the present day and will be able to integrate advanced and highly efficient counterintelligence models in order to combat the extensive modern threat landscape.

Insightful Quality: Beyond Continuous Improvement, Second Edition


Watch this YouTube interview to learn more about this book!
In order to survive and attain market leadership, organizations must engage in longer-term strategic quality activities to address radical, paradigm-shifting improvements that affect the organization and its competitive position. This requires a different way of thinking and acting by leaders and managers that is known as insightful thinking.
This book can show you how to achieve this kind of success. It is about how to think insightfully about quality and to increase the creativity, innovation, and agility of an organization and its employees. Quality must be addressed in strategic as well as operational terms in order for organizations to compete effectively over the long term. Strategic quality management requires insightful leadership.
The second edition updates the case discussions about real organizations that illustrate the main points of the book. It challenges leaders and managers to adopt a new way of thinking and presents thought-provoking ideas about how organizations can begin the process of charting their own paths to insight and lasting success.

A Profile of the Oil and Gas Industry: Resources, Market Forces, Geopolitics, and Technology, Second Edition


We drilled in the right place—we were simply 30 million years too late. —Richard Bray, President of Sohio, on drilling the Mukluk Prospect, Beaufort Sea, 1983.
We know that the people of Mesopotamia were using crude oil as a tar for building ships and houses as early as 3000 BC, so it is not by any means a new industry—but it is a volatile one. Oil and gas are important to every aspect of our economy yet this industry is distinguished by its combination of increasing demands and decreasing discovery volumes—and it is an industry shrouded in an environment of extremely volatile pricing.
This book is a vital introduction to the oil and gas industry that focuses on history, operations, major companies, outside market forces, regulation, and the current challenges the industry faces. Such factors as finite natural resources, the environment, economics, geopolitics, and technology are also analyzed in detail. The focus on oil and gas is likely to continue to grow until efficient, environmentally safe alternate fuels become available. And because it’s woven with complex relationships that are ever changing, this book is the best tool to have for a better understanding of this industry.

Risk and Win! A Simple Guide to Managing Risks in Small and Medium-Sized Organizations


If you think risk management is a bit of meaningless management-speak, this is the book for you. The world is full of risks and they all need managing. In fact, we all manage risks all the time whether well or badly. Every decision we make involves making some assessment of the risks involved. Risk management is simply an attempt at doing it more explicitly, scientifically and, hopefully, effectively.
In this book, readers will learn more about the whys and hows of risk management, and examples of how not to do it. I have tried to explain it in everyday language and show how it can be applied in a small business to your advantage.

Everything Old is New Again: How Entrepreneurs Use Discourse Themes to Reclaim Abandoned Urban Spaces


Recent scholarship on institutional entrepreneurship highlights the kinship between for-profit entrepreneurship and the equally transformative innovation and initiative of entrepreneurs in the non-pro?t, community, and policy-activist fields. This expanded exploration of entrepreneurial potential has become important in the creative destruction—or, more accurately, “creative reclamation”—of abandoned or under-used industrial relics and urban space. This book explores case studies in New York, Chicago, and Philadelphia, where community groups have deployed or are attempting to deploy symbolism and narrative to re-purpose abandoned urban infrastructure into urban public spaces.
The author combines interviews, document analysis, site visits, and census tract data to determine how Friends of the Park organizations successfully navigate institutional settings to create public spaces and manage the discourse around these proposed spaces. In-depth descriptions are an essential component of the process. If a certain kind of unsuccessful discourse theme (or successful one) exhibits itself in a large portion of the potential population, it will likely show in this small sample; if the discourse exhibits itself in a very small portion, it is very unlikely that it will show. Small samples, in other words, are a wide-mesh net, convenient for catching the big themes.