The Finance of Health Care: Wellness and Innovative Approaches to Employee Medical Insurance


Employers Can Reduce Their Employees’ Health Care Costs by Thinking Out of The Box

Employee health care costs have skyrocketed, especially for small business owners. But employers have options that medical entrepreneurs have crafted to provide all businesses with plans to improve their employees’ wellness and reduce their costs. Thus, the cost of employee health care benefits can be reduced markedly by choosing one of numerous alternatives to traditional indemnity policies.

The Finance of Health Care provides business decision makers with the information they need to match the optimal health care plan with the culture of their workforce. This book is a must guide for corporate executives and entrepreneurs who want to attract—and keep–the best employees in our competitive economy.

Dismantling the American Dream: How Multinational Corporations Undermine American Prosperity


This book is not an academic treatise. It is a concise story that tells what America’s multinationals did to the U.S. economy and how they did it. It is an applied and actionable book which includes many suggested solutions that function as steps the reader can take in their company.

This book is based on a promise made by multinationals in 2018 when 181 CEOs signed a commitment letter to lead their companies not just for the benefit of their investors, but for the benefit of all stakeholders: customers, employees, suppliers, communities, and shareholders.

During the last 40 years, the American dream has been dismantled by the policies and decisions of the multinational corporations (MNCs). Instead of benefitting all stake holders, they chose to favor their shareholders over all stake holders and short-term profits over society and country. To begin this process of change to achieve these new commitments, they must first understand what corporations did wrong since 1980 that didn’t benefit the other stakeholders.

This book will provide managers a detailed summary of the problems and obstacles they will need to address and overcome if they are going to make good on their commitment to meet the needs of all stakeholders, including employees, suppliers, communities, and an economy that serves all Americans. It also offers many solutions that will help them improve their job performance.

It is in the interest of America’s multinationals to find ways to protect their technologies, reduce outsourcing, and shift their focus to playing in a long-term economic game if they want to be competitive in the future.

Breakthrough: A Growth Revolution


What’s necessary for the U.S. and other developed nations to realize stronger growth and more equal incomes? What’s necessary for families to feel vacations, college educations, and retirements are possible? Will artificial intelligence (AI) automate or augment workers’ jobs? Will the 2020-2021 global pandemic be sufficiently disruptive to deliver fundamental transformation?

Economic success in the decades ahead will depend on the willingness of households, businesses, and governments to innovate and change ways of living and working.

To explore these questions, the 4th Industrial Revolution is a unique frame to assess global economic transformation, providing a point-in-time reference for placing current events in the context of sustained, multi-decade periods of faster and slower growth. Political, social, and economic metamorphoses have accompanied each revolution.

This book examines the economic logic of the significant variation in growth over long periods.

Climate change and the global warming consequences of fossil-fuel technologies will need to bring about a new energy technology and, if successful, result in renewable energy sources, reducing energy expense.

The success of the 4th Industrial Revolution is not assured. While the future is uncertain, history suggests success requires that barriers are addressed, workers and businesses engage in the necessary change, and a positive policy response provides the needed leadership.

The book proposes a Growth and Fairness Agenda and a New Social Contract through which stronger economic growth and more equally distributed incomes can be possible.

  • Recognize traditional policy actions may be insufficient to achieve stronger long-term growth.
  • Promote improved confidence and a positive outlook among small and medium enterprises.
  • Encourage advances in AI technology while addressing risks and fairness issues.
  • Support deeper worker engagement between business leaders and workers.
  • Seek a new social contract among workers, businesses, and governments.

Hidden Challenges: Human Dynamics in Organizational Change and Recovery


A new lens is offered that sheds light on hidden challenges in periods of organizational change and reveals them in a creative and constructive way. This approach supports a better-informed diagnosis of the pain in the organization when change takes place.–Claudia Zarate, Managing Director, Consumer Products Coverage, BNP Paribas

Going far beyond a purely rational-structural way of looking at change in organizations, this book contributes well researched insights into often-overlooked organizational blind spots.

The authors share their own experiences in clear and accessible language, exploring recovery from cumulative crises; nostalgia and postalgia; victimization of leaders; dealing with narcissistic leaders; and a writing process for reducing anxiety through self-reflection.

Anyone who works in an organization—large or small—will gain new perspectives on the most difficult challenge of all: understanding human behavior in times of change.

Navigating Conflict: Tools for Difficult Conversations


Navigating Conflict: Tools for Difficult Conversations is perfect for readers who want positive outcomes from personal, professional, and workplace challenges.

From reading this powerful guidebook, you’ll gain:

  • A step-by-step roadmap for handling conflict and tough and touchy situations
  • Strategies for effectively handling yourself under fire
  • Tools for dealing with toxic individuals, personality conflicts, office politics, and problematic family situations
  • Field-tested skills, strategies, tools. and tactics for every type of conflict
  • Assessment inventories and action steps they can use to assess and perfect their skills

Readers will find engrossing real-life stories; skills, strategies, and tactics they can immediately use, and will walk away knowing exactly how to achieve the results they want regardless of the other person’s skills or behavior.

Project Control Methods and Best Practices: Achieving Project Success


If you want to know how to reduce financial wastage and cost overrun on projects and the applied best practices to enable project success, then this book is for you.

This book reveals the many challenges of project control in practice and then provides practical good practices to overcome them. This is done by presenting a robust project control framework that includes several good practices to mitigate project control inhibitors and enhance the entire project control process. The core project control techniques and methods in practice and how to design an enabling environment for effective project control are also explained.

The aim of this book is to expose the readers to several good practices which they can then apply confidently to enhance the success of their projects.

Business Models in Emerging Technologies: Data Science, AI, and Blockchain


This book is a practical guide to two of the most important emerging technologies: data science/AI and blockchain.

The world of technology progresses so quickly that we often don’t realize how far we’ve come. Over the last 20 years, technologies like data science, artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things, and blockchain have transformed the world of business, industry, and society.

These emerging technologies offer a wide range of opportunities. However, they also create new challenges businesses must face, such as developing new business models, and discovering the best adoption strategies.

This book is a practical guide to two of the most important emerging technologies: data science/AI and blockchain. With broad applicability across all sectors, decision-makers would greatly benefit from understanding these fields.

Sales is a Team Sport


We see teamwork in every sphere of business, so why should sales be any different?

Sales is a critical part of any business, whether it’s for survival or to grow and scale. Often salespeople are seen as independent hunters and farmers working to serve their company, but that would be wrong. Salespeople may be the tip of the spear when it comes to winning business, but great sales success is built on teamwork.

This book sets out to identify the key components and helps the reader understand what it takes to build the best team from people, skills, processes, technology, and systems. Broken down into chapters that cover everything from the sales process and managing opportunities, to the important role played by marketing, and why CRM is not just a piece of software.

Sales is a team sport. Like all team sports there are those that play on the field and those that work to help the team perform. In any organization everyone plays a part. In the field of sales, understanding how this all comes together will not only help any company, but also anyone that reads the book and wants to get more out of their role, or move their business forward and achieve greater sales success as a team.

The book is filled with personal anecdotes and real-life examples from the author’s career in sales.

Better Outcomes: A Guide to Humanizing Healthcare


We have a problem in healthcare.

That problem is this: in today’s healthcare environment, especially in the United States, people take a back seat to the numbers in almost every aspect of healthcare service delivery. Productivity, utilization, and other business metrics rule the roost.

If it’s not calculatable, spreadsheet-able, or measurable, it hardly receives any attention from healthcare managers, administrators, and decision-makers.

We can’t simply sit back and allow the dehumanization that currently runs rampant in our clinics and hospitals continue to wreak havoc on one of the most important factors in clinical outcomes: the relationships between healthcare professionals and the people (patients) that they serve.

Healthcare is a great and noble profession, but it will only remain so if we, as healthcare professionals, return its focus to its true purpose: people, the people receiving care, and the people working to deliver that care. After all, we’re all more than simply numbers on spreadsheets or items on checklists.

Better Outcomes: A Guide for Humanizing Healthcare outlines the 8 changes that organizations and clinicians need to commit to in order to return to the focus of healthcare to where it should be: the patient.

The book covers topics related to truly patient-centered care, a biopsychosocial approach to service delivery, patient engagement, interpersonal communication, and developing long-term relationships with patients.

Through an exploration of both clinical research and real-life examples and cases, the book outlines and supports a vision of a new healthcare, where skilled, competence, and caring clinicians care for engaged patients to promote better clinical outcomes, deliver unmatched satisfaction, and lasting relationships.

Innovation Soup: A Recipe for Organizational Success


Not your average cookbook. This is a research-based recipe for innovation!

This book is for anyone wanting to kick start innovation in their organization. It is ground-breaking in two ways:

  • It is based on data, combining empirical research, literature reviews, business cases, and interviews.
  • It tells a story of two friends in diametrically opposite business predicaments due to COVID. Their story is complex and layered, making for engaging reading.

For too long, innovation culture has been amorphous. InnoQTM, built on years of rigorous research, breaks it into 11 dimensions that can be measured, tracked, and improved. We share real world data and examples showing the power of the 11 dimensions and provide concrete ways to improve on them. The pandemic has fundamentally changed the way organizations do business for the next many years–creating a culture of innovation is now more important than ever.

This book is perfect for leaders, innovators, managers, and students.

**If you are interested in the InnoQ Tool, please contact Sanjay Puligadda at [email protected] or [email protected]

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