The Modern Caribbean Economy, Volume I: Alternative Perspectives and Policy Implications


Caribbean economies have been faced with mounting challenges arising from the increasing pace of economic globalization. The financial crisis of 2007 further exacerbated economic instability due to high foreign debt, lack of competitiveness, declining productivity, and high unemployment and underemployment. This in turn has precipitated increasing social and environmental problems, including poverty, inequality, crime and violence, and environmental degradation, all of which require new perspectives and policy approaches for transformative change and sustainable development.
In this two volume multidisciplinary edited book The Modern Caribbean Economy, Volume I provides scholars and practitioners with alternative theoretical perspectives and concrete policy recommendations, while Volume II discusses economic, industrial, and social problems facing the Caribbean along with pragmatic proposals to successfully deal with these, while building local resilience and enhancing institutional strength in the region.

Attributes of Project-Friendly Enterprises


Check out these new views in PM World Journal!

Project management sophistication is the state of enterprise practices in which success of projects is predictable and that the definitive measure of project management success continually improves with time. Sophistication in project management will lead to efficiency in operations and better profits. Enlightened enterprises are sensitive to project management sophistication and the definitive way of measuring it and improving it.
As full assessment of the organizational project management sophistication is relatively time consuming and costly, enterprises have a need and desire for instruments that would provide an estimate of the project management maturity of the organization with less effort. This book includes such instruments and attributes of a successful enterprise. Attributes of Project-Friendly Enterprises creates a structured approach and presents attributes of a healthy project environment that include key indicators of success for projects, proposals, portfolios, project teams, Project Management Office (PMO), and the enterprise.

The Modern Caribbean Economy, Volume II: Economic Development and Public Policy Challenges


Caribbean economies have been faced with mounting challenges arising from the increasing pace of economic globalization. The financial crisis of 2007 further exacerbated economic instability due to high foreign debt, lack of competitiveness, declining productivity, and high unemployment and underemployment. This in turn has precipitated increasing social and environmental problems, including poverty, inequality, crime and violence, and environmental degradation, all of which require new perspectives and policy approaches for transformative change and sustainable development.
In this two volume multidisciplinary edited book The Modern Caribbean Economy, Volume I provides scholars and practitioners with alternative theoretical perspectives and concrete policy recommendations, while Volume II discusses economic, industrial, and social problems facing the Caribbean along with pragmatic proposals to successfully deal with these, while building local resilience and enhancing institutional strength in the region.

FairPay: Adaptively Win-Win Customer Relationships


“Anyone responsible for monetizing digital content in consumer markets should understand this radically new perspective on pricing and how to maximize customer lifetime value. FairPay provides strategies and operational methods for creating better relationships — to increase loyalty, market reach, and profits.” ?- Shelly Palmer, Business Advisor, Author, Commentator
“Reisman unveils a new world of possibilities through an innovative and visionary methodology that introduces a reference platform for digital value exchange. FairPay is very versatile in its applications and compatible across industries. It is a great example of what disruption could look like in a new digital business era.” ?- Lucila Pagnoni, News Corp Australia
“FairPay boldly explores the future of pricing from a co-creation of value perspective. Highly recommended for digital business entrepreneurs, as well as established firms working on their digital transformation.” ? – Jim Spohrer, IBM and
“A groundbreaking and definitive book on pricing strategy for the digital age. This highly innovative and practical work shows how enterprises can develop relationship-based pricing strategies leading to long-term customer relationships, based on principles of equity and fairness for both customer and supplier.” ?- Professor Pennie Frow, University of Sydney Business School
Businesses recognize the need to become more customer focused, but struggle to see how. At the same time, our logic and business models for selling digital content and services are broken. Digital relationships enable services at low cost, but we still focus on discrete transactions at prices that consumers see as exploitive.
This book explains how a revolutionary approach to pricing can solve these problems. It proposes a new architecture for cooperative service relationships that is personalized and continuously adaptive. FairPay operationalizes a new logic for conducting ongoing business relationships that adaptively seek win-win value propositions in which price reflects value. At a practical level, the author explains how this can be applied to transform a range of industries — with motivations, and guidelines for implementation in stages — to enhance loyalty, market share, and profits.
At a conceptual level, he explores how novel processes for participative co-pricing can dynamically seek agreement on win-win value propositions — to approach optimal price discrimination over a series of transactions. FairPay applies modern behavioral economics in choice architectures that enable deep relationship marketing.
An online supplement is provided.

Zen and the Art of Business Communication: A Step-by-Step Guide to Improving Your Business Writing Skills


Check out a recent book review from Project Management World Journal!!

No matter who you are or what you do, effective communication is key to success. Whether you struggle to convey your thoughts in clear, concise and compelling prose, or already wield words with power and precision, Susan Luck’s Zen and the Art of Business Communications will move you forward on your path to better writing. A quick read with lots of commonsense tips and real-life examples, the book delivers a step-by-step method to achieve clarity of thought and expression in your writing. The author’s holistic perspective offers simple, precise ways to impress, inform and influence your audiences, not only through your writing but in your verbal, video and PowerPoint presentations as well. As a professional writer and editor, I found the book educational, engaging and entertaining, and I highly recommend it. It’ll now have a place right alongside my AP Stylebook and Strunk and White’s Elements of Style. — Nayda Rondon, Communications and Community Outreach Specialist for nonprofit Art Beyond Sight and Editor of BC THE MAGAZINE
Fabulous woman and professor who WILL teach you how to write! — Becky Ayers, Chief Administrative Office, Orthopedic Hospital of Florida
Dr. Susan Luck is a bright light in business communication. An internationally recognized authority, Dr. Luck is a frequent, featured, conference speaker. Her experience as a television news writer shows. Her words spark and flow. In Zen and the Art of Business Communication you’ll see how today’s frenetic business pace and electronic communication glut is distorting your messages. People are compelled to respond faster and faster. In our frenzy we write poorly crafted, word-bloated messages. We send more messages, yet, we communicate less. We think mostly about ourselves; our needs. We neglect our reader. As a result, our communication suffers. Using Dr. Luck’s Zen approach, you’ll find calm amidst the frenzy. You’ll learn to write simply and clearly. Your communication will soar. You will get the response you seek. — D. Joel Whalen, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Marketing, DePaul University, Chicago and Director, DePaul University’s Effective Business Communication Program
In today’s online world, our professional image depends on our ability to communicate. Whether we’re communicating by email, text, social media, written reports or presentations, how we use our words often determines how others view us. This book offers tips and techniques that can improve anyone’s professional image.
The author covers how to analyze multiple audiences and strategies for communicating your message effectively for each; structuring your message for greatest readability and effect; persuasion and tone; and how to face your own fears of writing. The content is delivered in a simple, clear style that reflects the Zen approach of the title, perfect for both the entry-level employee and the seasoned executive.

Achieving Success Through Innovation: Cases and Insights from the Hospitality, Travel, and Tourism Industry


This book investigates the genesis and success of innovation in the hospitality industry as detailed in over four dozen case studies. In many of the cases studies, the innovators themselves provide the insights into their innovative inspiration and the lessons learned from the way they brought their innovative ideas to life. The cases include innovations for improved customer service, stronger human resources, and new food service and lodging concepts. While updated technology forms the basis for many of the innovations, some of the cases focus specifically on technology improvements, with a particular focus on the use of technology as a mediator in the service value chain.
With the passage of several years, the book shares the outcome of the innovative concepts—most of which continue to operate. The lessons presented will provide you a valuable perspective on success through innovation, whether you are operating in the hospitality industry or another business.

Adapting to Change: The Business of Climate Resilience


Check out a recent book review from Project Management World Journal!!

Get an inside look at how companies with cutting-edge sustainability programs are innovating in the face of extreme conditions related to climate change. Adapting to Change profiles the current efforts of Citi, Sprint, ConAgra, Stonyfield Farm, The Hartford, and IBM to improve climate resilience, with a focus on five themes:
i. Responding to weather
ii. Learning from disaster
iii. Doing more with less
iv. Taking a risk—and managing it
v. Communicating change, collaborating on climate.
In these pages, readers will discover strategies that encourage resilience and mitigate risk across vastly different sectors, both internally—with managers and employees—and externally—through supply chains, in communities, among investors—with valuable insight for business professionals in all categories.
Adapting to Change stresses pragmatic answers to real problems that companies encounter every day. It focuses on the challenges climate presents to the firms profiled and how each company—with the help of employees and other stakeholders—faces them head on.
One in a collection of books curated by world-renowned business ethics expert Mary Gentile, this book illustrates how today’s sustainability leaders are using business acumen to find solutions—while cutting costs and creating new business opportunities—in a rapidly changing environment.

Big Data War: How to Survive Global Big Data Competition


The book mainly focuses on why data analytics fails in business. It provides an objective analysis and root causes of the phenomenon, instead of abstract criticism of utility of data analytics. The book, then, explains in detail on how companies can survive and win the global big data competition, based on actual cases of companies.
Having established the execution and performance-oriented big data methodology based on over 10 years of experience in the field as an authority in big data strategy, the author identifies core principles of data analytics using case analysis of failures and successes of actual companies. Moreover, he endeavors to share with readers the principles regarding how innovative global companies became successful through utilization of big data. This book is a quintessential big data analytics, in which the author’s knowhow from direct and indirect experiences is condensed.
How do we survive at this big data war in which Facebook in SNS, Amazon in e-commerce, Google in search, expand their platforms to other areas based on their respective distinct markets? The answer can be found in this book.

A Profile of the Health Management Industry: Health Administration for Non-Clinical Professionals


Whether you are a seasoned manager who is considering a mid-career change or a college-bound graduate looking at future career in the health science profession, this book offers you a comprehensive, quick glimpse of the health care industry. This book will enable you to begin asking further questions, identify untapped opportunities, and unleash the potential nesting in your current network.
Written from a business perspective, this book provides managers with a framework for understanding the historical and competitive landscape in health care. It enables readers to evaluate past development, current issues, and projected changes that affect the industry. It is a good springboard for conversations pertinent to the strategic business development of businesses in the health care industry, especially for non-clinically trained professionals.