Co-Create: Harnessing the Human Element in Project Management


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Successfully moving an organization forward is a complex task. Historically professional organizations, like the Project Management Institute, have done a ?ne job of providing best practices and technical tools to support project managers in the ?eld. These tools will continue to be critical in the future. The opportunity now is to add to that body of knowledge by addressing, more completely, the human experience. In reviewing the literature, practitioners and academics alike have noted that committed teams play an important role in creating exceptional project outcomes. What has been missing is the connection between what’s known about employee engagement and commitment, from a general management perspective, and a practical method to integrate that knowledge with project management tools.
This book will provide a comprehensive map for project managers to learn about the human experience during a project. It will present speci?c practices for generating commitment that can be easily incorporated by project managers. The Co-create Model presents a conceptual understanding and a method not currently found in the literature.


About the Author(s)

Steve Martin

Steve Martin’s professional passion has been to explore the intersection of educational theory, psychology, and business. He is curious and especially loves connecting new learnings to practica…

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Pub Date

June 15, 2017





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