A Primer on Corporate Governance: Turkey


This takes an in depth and comprehensive assessment of corporate governance in Turkey. In this assessment, historical roots and cultural values shaping the Turkish business context are taken into perspective. Part I outlines the developments and characteristics of the Turkish Economy as well historical developments in corporate governance to provide a background for the readers. External and internal corporate mechanisms of corporate governance are explained in Parts II and III, respectively. Turkey is a civil law country. Its legal system, company laws, regulatory authorities and the state of the market for corporate control as well as the socio-cultural norms, ways of doing business and Turkish code of good governance are the external mechanisms that shape the corporate governance practices of companies. Characteristics of the board of directors, ownership structure and management teams of Turkish companies are analyzed as internal control mechanisms. The last part of the book includes conclusions and discusses current and future corporate governance challenges in the Turkish business context. This book is intended for a broad audience including students and professors in graduate business schools and practicing business executives. The goal is to inform those interested in or dealing with corporate governance about the practices in use in Turkey.

Data Visualization, Volume II: Uncovering the Hidden Pattern in Data Using Basic and New Quality Tools


This book discusses data and information visualization techniques— the decision-making tools with applications in health care, finance, manufacturing engineering, process improvement, product design, and others. These tools are an excellent means of viewing the current state of the process and improving them. The initial chapters discuss data analysis, the current trends in visualization, the concepts of systems and processes from which data are collected. The second part is devoted to quality tools—a set of graphical and information visualization tools in data analysis, decision-making, and Lean Six-Sigma quality.The seven basic tools of quality discussed are the Process Maps, Check Sheets, Histograms, Scatter Diagrams, Run Charts/ Control Charts, Cause-and-Effect Diagrams, and Pareto Charts. The new quality tools presented are the Affinity, Tree, and Matrix Diagrams, Interrelationship Digraph, Prioritizing Matrices, Process Decision Program Chart, and Activity Network Diagram along with Quality Function Deployment (QFD) and Multivari Charts.

Money and Banking: An Intermediate Market-Based Approach, Second Edition


Let’s learn about money! Money is a market phenomenon. It originated as a spontaneous social institution, and its use is still inextricably tied to market exchange. Therefore, the analysis of money occurs in a market setting. Use of monetary systems and a market setting as the underlying parameters ideally positions the reader to examine money in its various uses: as a medium of exchange, in credit markets, and as an instrument of monetary policy.Professor Gerdes believes that the study of money should commence at the most general level. Consequently, this book is anchored in the context of monetary systems (commodity, fiduciary, and fiat monies). This gives readers a very broad perspective— helping readers understand, for example, how the money used today differs from money used in the past, or how current money relates to money discovered by anthropologists in isolated subcultures.This book is perfect for courses in traditional money and banking courses, as well as undergraduate courses in monetary theory as well as sourcebook on money for business professionals.

Designing Learning and Development for Return on Investment


For Learning and Development the ability to deliver a return on investment is not about investing in good evaluation mechanisms, although this is important. This article emphasises the importance of designing for Return on Investment, providing the theoretical underpinning to explain how to use group and human dynamic processes to emphasise the ‘self-renewal’ ability of the individual, facilitate the movement of groups and improve the health and effectiveness of organisations in a sustainable way. It also offers a practical framework of two fundamentals of intervention design. The Diagnostic Phase – understanding the nature of the situation and the issues involved and The Evaluation Phase; aligning to organisational performance objectives.

Rethinking Risk Management: Critically Examining Old Ideas and New Concepts


Risk management has never been as topical. The 2008 financial crisis, ever-present cyber-security threats, market volatility, increasing regulation, climate change, stakeholder activism and changing workforce demographics are just a few of the factors creating a focus on risk management. This book challenges the existing paradigms of risk management and provides readers with the concepts and tools to excel in the current dynamic risk management environment and make risk management a value-adding activity within their organization. This book has two major origins: The first is a series of executive workshops that I have been conducting for the last several years for a major Canadian-based financial institution. The second origin is an innovative and popular course on enterprise risk management that I have developed and delivered for MBA students. The book reflects these two origins in that it covers both the current base of risk management knowledge but critically examines that base by exploring emerging risk management ideas and concepts. The framework for the book is a series of questions that allows for an interesting and thought-provoking look at current ideas and forward looking concepts. This book, intended for senior managers, directors, risk managers, students of risk management and all others who need to be concerned about risk management and strategy, provides a solid base for not only understanding current best practice in risk management, but also the conceptual tools for exploiting emerging risk management technologies, metrics, regulations and ideas. The central thesis is that risk management is a value-adding activity that all types of organizations; public, private as well as not-for-profit can use for competitive advantage and maximum effectiveness.

Producing Written and Oral Business Reports: Formatting, Illustrating, and Presenting


This book highlights the discrete tasks in report creation and how to do each task to maximum efficiency and effect. Tasks include drafting, revising, editing, formatting, and illustrating. Business research reports involve these tasks and several others. Reports delivered orally require rehearsal and handling question-and-answer sessions in addition to the foregoing tasks. This book targets all business and professional people, upper-level undergraduates, and MBA students. This book begins with creating a draft, revising and editing (two distinct tasks) it, and producing a final document. It offers guides for page layout and text format and for choosing the proper medium, including traditional ones, along with report deck, web page, and infographics. The book references helpful formatting features of word processing software that readers may be unaware of. Book 2 also covers the special parts of formal business research reports. It sets out principles for using graphics and how-to information for creating a variety of charts, tables, and other visuals, without specialized graphics software. Using presentation aids—and avoiding common mistakes we’ve all observed—is a key topic. So is managing all facets, including the presentation backchannel and Q&A. In addition, the book includes guides for internet presentations (podcasts, online meetings, and webinars). Much of the book material is presented or summarized in lists, making it a handy user’s manual for business and professional types, when producing their very first reports and the last ones of their careers.

Deconstructing Management Maxims, Volume II: A Critical Examination of Conventional Business Wisdom


A contrarian challenge to the status quo, this book vigorously champions healthy skepticism in management theory and practice. Several common management maxims — often taken for granted as truisms — are examined and debunked with evidence-based arguments. An introductory chapter provides a brief perspective of maxims in the English language, and presents a preview of the rest of the book. Each of the next eleven chapters contains in-depth, evidence-based rationale that disproves the certainty of a commonly believed maxim.