Venture Capital Networks: A Multi-Level Perspective


In the venture capital (VC) industry, firms often co-invest with other peers in syndicated deals. The process of syndication is a form of investment alliance that generates networks of VC firms and start-up companies. Despite the prominent role played by syndicates, extant entrepreneurship literature found contradicting evidence on the relationship between the practice of syndication and the performance of both the start-up and the investors. In fact, our understanding of the circumstances under which syndicates have the potential to boost performance, rather than hamper them, is still limited. This book intends to fill this gap and explore the performance dynamics surrounding networks in the venture capital industry. The text also provides introductory knowledge to those interested in network studies and methods.


About the Author(s)

Cristiano Bellavitis

Cristiano Bellavitis is assistant professor (lecturer) of innovation and entrepreneurship at the University of Auckland since 2016. After obtaining his doctorate in management from Cass Business Schoo…

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Pub Date

December 10, 2017





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