Improving Healthcare Management at the Top: How Balanced Boardrooms Can Lead to Organizational Success


This book, based on case studies in the healthcare sector, reveals a working strategy that explores a well-kept secret of top management: that a more balanced gender distribution on the boards of healthcare organizations results in an improvement of the organization’s overall performance. Organizational success for healthcare institutions depends in part on insuring that an organization’s management team possesses and reflects key characteristics that can predict that success. By further linking these characteristics to gender, the research suggests that it is reasonable to assume that an increased if not dominant presence of females on boards will lead to improved performance. In this evolving world environment of an aging population coupled with funding constraints that are applied to healthcare organizations based on performance, healthcare organizations’ top management and researchers will find this book a must read. A new perspective emerges as a practical solution for the healthcare organization’s survival.


About the Author(s)

Sharon Roberts

Sharon Roberts, currently with the University Health Network (UHN) in Toronto, has extensive experience with Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care implementations of the Healthy Babies Healthy…

Milan Frankl

Dr. Milan Frankl, MBA, PhD, is a professor of business with University Canada West’s School of Business, and an adjunct professor of bioinformatics at the University of Victoria. He …

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Pub Date

October 14, 2015





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