Ignite All: Leadership, Team Enablement, & Sparking That Inner Flame


Putting a team together is easy. Creating a dynamic team culture is hard.

Fusion brings a new world approach to leadership, team enablement, and sparking that inner flame. In this book—written by a team, for teams—Fusion distills proven best practices, methodologies, and frameworks that drive impactful change for small and large teams in the corporate workplace by incorporating models to build thoughtful processes, form empathetic teams, and develop team members into change-makers.

  • Unleash your talent: Build a top-performing team utilizing proven best practices that activate your team’s greatest assets.
  • Supercharge your team: Level up your game with innovative methodologies and systems that shift your mindset and accelerate your team.
  • Amplify your impact: Bring even greater value to the universe while keeping inclusion and diversity at the forefront.


About the Author(s)

The Fusion Team

Fusion is more than just a team; it’s a multidisciplinary blend of thinkers and doers, researchers, strategists, brand and product experts, designers, and makers. As an enterprise accelerator with more than a decade of experience, we have led over 600 engagements and impacted tens of thousands of individuals, empowering their teams to define bold strategies, create beautiful experience, build meaningful products, and perform at their highest.

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Pub Date

August 13, 2024





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