Growth-Oriented Entrepreneurship


A number of different methods have been used to describe growth-oriented entrepreneurship; however, there is a con- sensus that there is a particularly desirable form of entrepre- neurship that seeks to create and scale up businesses that will drive productivity growth, create new employment, increase innovation, promote business internationalization, and achieve sustainable economic growth.
This book provides an extensive introduction to research on growth-oriented entrepreneurship and continues with an assessment of attempts to create the appropriate frame- work conditions for growth-oriented entrepreneurship to flourish, including financial support; government policies and programs; education and training; and more. The final chapter looks at growth- oriented entrepreneurs in practice as they work to launch and grow emerging companies. This book is a unique compendium of research and analysis on an important segment of entrepreneurship, which will be useful to entrepreneurs, academics, and policymakers.


About the Author(s)

Alan S. Gutterman

Alan S. Gutterman’s prolific output of practical guidance and tools for legal and financial professionals, managers, entrepreneurs and investors has made him one of the best-selling individual authors…

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Pub Date

August 30, 2018





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