The Nonprofit Imagineers: Infuse Disney-Inspired Creativity Into Your Organization


What do Disney Imagineering and nonprofit organizations have in common? More than you think!

Although nonprofits are rarely known as creative powerhouses, we’ll explore how to use the same principles that make Disney Imagineering the gold standard of imaginative thinking to transform your organization into an equally inventive and creative environment.

The Nonprofit Imagineers explores how more innovation can happen at nonprofits, no matter how small the budget, how meager the staff, how tight the board oversight or how limited the time commitment. Using more than 100 real-life examples from theme parks, movies, and Walt Disney’s life, you will come away inspired to experiment with Disney Imagineering principles such as blue-sky meetings, storytelling, creative intent, kinetics, plussing, and weenies. Yes, weenies.

This book is perfect for employees, managers, board members and volunteers at schools, faith-based organizations, community centers and assorted other organizations of all sizes looking to use creativity to improve their programming, fundraising and relationship with their families, members, and donors.


About the Author(s)

Ben Vorspan

Ben Vorspan has been serving the nonprofit community for more than twenty years, and during that time, has built a reputation for the creativity that he brings to nonprofit marketing, communications, fundraising, programming, and membership engagement…

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Pub Date

May 25, 2023





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