Cross-Cultural Leadership Studies


Leadership is a universal phenomenon that has been consistently identified as playing a critical role in the success or failure of organizations. This book begins with an overview of the history and evolution of leadership studies and traces some of the major “schools” of leadership studies that have attracted the interest of researchers since the 19th century. Also discussed are the various theories and models of leader- ship that have emerged over that period.
The author introduces cross-cultural leadership studies and then discusses cross-cultural competencies of global leaders, which are the practical applications of the information avail- able from the researchers to the day-to-day activities of leaders in business organizations around the world. Finally, the book assesses the research on cross-cultural leadership, culture, and leadership in developing countries.


About the Author(s)

Alan S. Gutterman

Alan S. Gutterman’s prolific output of practical guidance and tools for legal and financial professionals, managers, entrepreneurs and investors has made him one of the best-selling individual authors…

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Pub Date

April 16, 2019





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