Consumer Experiences and Emotion Management

Emotions can organize cognitive processes or disorganize them, be active or passive, lead to adaptation or maladaptation. Consumers may be conscious of their emotions or may be motivated by unconscious emotions. The emotions in combined form with different intensities have an adaptive significance in consumers’ life. Further, the challenges that marketers and researchers face in today’s global markets are to understand the expression of the emotions or consumer emotional experience.

Applied Humanism

You can’t understand humanistic business management unless you understand what humanism is. This book provides a short introduction to the philosophy of humanism and discusses how and why it is being applied to business and why it is so effective when you do so. Humanism helps us prioritize human value as important. It supports positive interpersonal relationships and collaborative and respectful decision-making. Since all businesses are in the business of solving problems, good problem-solving is essential to good business.