The New World of Human Resources and Employment : How Artificial Intelligence and Process Redesign is Driving Dramatic Change


Artificial intelligence (AI) will change the world, as we know it within only a few years. Its most significant impact will be on our human resource (HR). What is AI and what’s made it significant–the answers lie within this concise book. The book offers organizations the catalyst for swift change to take strategic advantage of what AI has to offer.
In this book are some of the HR processes that can be changed today, suggestions on what’s available, and some resources readers may wish to use. The evidence so far is that many HR functions have not developed AI strategies, in a false belief that AI is in the future. But it’s here and it’s happening, and the change is expediential in its growth; we are in the change window for a massive paradigm shift, now is the time for immediate action.
This is truly a golden opportunity for human resource professionals, organizational designers, business managers, business students, and workforce planners. Organizations that act, and act fast, will be the beneficiaries of the AI revolution.


About the Author(s)

Tony Miller

Dr. Tony Miller, MBA, FCIPD, FinstAM, MRSH, MAPS, MBPS,FILM, is an Occupational Psychologist who specializes in improvements through people and change using artificial intelligence (A.I.) Right…

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Pub Date

November 27, 2018





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