Decision Analysis for Managers: A Guide for Making Better Personal and Business Decisions, Second Edition


Decision analysis has changed very little since Decision Analysis for Managers (first edition) was published. However, in light of recent megatrends (e.g. the “Great Recession” of 2008, collapse of commodity prices – especially oil and gas, the poor performance of large projects), more discussion of project risk (cost, schedule, and technical) within the context of DA is appropriate. And, in light of these same megatrends, a more detailed and thorough discussion of decision quality is an appropriate addition to the original text.


About the Author(s)

David Charlesworth

David Charlesworth is an experienced manager, team leader, decision analysis (DA) facilitator and DA model builder. With experience in a broad range of businesses, Mr. Charlesworth has completed decis…

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Pub Date

April 7, 2017





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