The Value Imperative


Gautam has managed to put into one book almost everything we need to know about creating value, measuring value, and strategizing with value. Every marketer will benefit by rethinking their business in terms of value creation and management. —Philip Kotler, S. C. Johnson & Son Distinguished Professor of International Marketing, Kellogg School of Management,
Northwestern University
The Value Imperative is about understanding and creating value to become more prosperous, obtain higher levels of success as a business and as a person, and become a better executive, manager, and leader.
The book describes value and its creation, a practitioner concept that encompasses all aspects of human endeavor and happiness and covers different aspects of value, and how they impact you, business, society, technology, innovation and creativity, and education. The book demonstrates how to identify where value exists, how it can be increased, how it is destroyed and dissipated, and how it can re-emerge. The author also describes the 6A’s required of successful executives.


About the Author(s)

Gautam Mahajan

Mr. Gautam Mahajan, president of Customer Value Foundation, is the leading global thought leader in total customer value management and value creation. He mentors the global Value Cre…

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Pub Date

October 20, 2018





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