Sustainability Performance and Reporting


As organizations tackle global challenges, the faces of our businesses and our economic system are changing to consider the interests of all stakeholders rather than just shareholders. This book provides a step-by-step approach for organizations to reap benefits from a more sustainable approach.

Sustainability Performance and Reporting begins with a brief history of the concept of sustainability as it applies to both performance and reporting. Implementing sustainability in an organization begins with the development of policies which are consistent with the expectations of its stake- holders. An organization’s active participation in multi-stakeholder initiatives helps to align the policies with societal trends. Once the policies are developed, a management system is crucial to ensure congruence of policies with actual performance.

Then, periodic reporting of performance based on well-recognized standards aids stakeholders in assessing an organization’s performance. It also helps stakeholders to determine if performance aligns with their expectations. Both internal and external assurances build stakeholder trust in the organization’s performance and reporting. Finally, the book concludes with a reflection on key messages and potential future actions for continuous improvement.


About the Author(s)

Irene M. Herremans

Dr. Irene M. Herremans has taught sustainability content for the past 20 years. She has engaged learners in both formal education at universities and informal education for professionals through se…

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Pub Date

June 27, 2020





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