Stop Harming Customers: A Compliance Manifesto


Since the year 2000, banks have been fined almost a third of a trillion dollars. Yet, every year billions more are imposed. Why? This book explains why banks break the law (it’s not just the money), explains the challenges facing Compliance functions, considers that the majority of financiers don’t want to do wrong, and puts forth a proposal to stop banks from harming customers.

The lessons in this book are applicable to any business where profit motives can conflict with customer benefit–in short, every business. (And if you’re interested in cryptocurrency, this book’s for you too!)


About the Author(s)

David Silverman

David Silverman has been an executive at banks including JPMorgan Chase, Wells Fargo, Citi, Morgan Stanley, and CIBC.

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Pub Date

December 8, 2023





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