Educating Social Entrepreneurs: From Business Plan Formulation to Implementation, Volume II


Educating Social Entrepreneurs: From Business Plan Formulation to Implementation appears at a time of unprecedented environmental disasters, natural resources depletion, and significant failure of governments and global businesses to attend to worldwide social problems. In this era of downsizing, restructuring, and social changes, notions of traditional venture creation and the ways of creating social values have been challenged. We draw on examples from various parts of the business world and societies to prepare students, scholars, and entrepreneurial managers to deal with the challenges presented by a new and diverse business environment to create business plan for a social venture. Illuminating trouble-some aspects of the global social and business worlds, this workbook comprises two volumes that covers key issues. Students, scholars, and entrepreneurs who want to help a world of multiple disparities by dealing with social entrepreneurship will find this to be beneficial reading.

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About the Author(s)

Paul Miesing

Paul Miesing is the founding director of UAlbany’s Center for Advancement and Understanding of Social Enterprises. He has published dozens of articles in both academic and practitioner journals, inclu…

Maria Aggestam

Maria Aggestam studies entrepreneur processes in various contexts such as in art-related industries, high-tech and biotechnology businesses, and entrepreneurs within Swedish gastronomy. Her research i…

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Pub Date

August 8, 2017





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